
Fire. Reimagined.

The Rinnai LS 1500 single-sided gas fire is the quintessential choice for large living spaces, offering more than just its grand scale. The fuel bed is ingeniously adorned with burn media that resembles shimmering fragments of broken glass, creating an illusion of delicate, flickering embers. This contemporary take on the classic ember bed infuses a touch of modern sophistication, while the reflective properties of the media magnify the dance of the flames, offering a mesmerising visual display. This model is not merely a method of heating; it’s a decorative statement that adds a touch of elegance and warmth to your home.

Rinnai LS1500 Single-Sided + Burn Media


Have a burning question?

Wondering if you’ll need a hearth, or how to get the best energy efficiency out of your burner? We’re always happy to help!

And just so you know, all our fireplaces comply with the Environmental Protection (Solid Fuel Heater) Regulations 2018 under the BurnWise program, and Australian Standards AS/NZS 4012: 2014 and AS/NZS 4013: 2014.

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