
TV Friendly Linear Gas Fireplace

The Regency Greenfire™ GF1500L provides an immense linear view of the Regency’s leading flame and log package. Perfect for contemporary spaces and open concept living areas, heat is distributed throughout the home with maximum efficiency. The black enamel reflective panels further accentuate the fire – drawing friends and family closer to stay a while longer.

Regency GF1500L Single-Sided Gas Fireplace


Have a burning question?

Wondering if you’ll need a hearth, or how to get the best energy efficiency out of your burner? We’re always happy to help!

And just so you know, all our fireplaces comply with the Environmental Protection (Solid Fuel Heater) Regulations 2018 under the BurnWise program, and Australian Standards AS/NZS 4012: 2014 and AS/NZS 4013: 2014.

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